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Panah Panahi makes a striking feature debut with this charming, sharp-witted, and deeply moving comic drama. Hit the Road takes the tradition of the Iranian road-trip movie and adds unexpected twists and turns. It follows a family of four as they drive across the Iranian countryside. Over the course of the trip, they bond over memories of the past, grapple with fears of the unknown, and fuss over their sick dog. Unspoken tensions arise and the film builds emotional momentum as it slowly reveals the furtive purpose for their journey. Persian with English subtitles. Not Rated. Running time 93 minutes. Hosted by Shelly Isaacs who will introduce the film and lead a post-screening discussion. All screenings are GENERAL ADMISSION and begin at 7:30 PM. Lobby opens at 6:30 PM and the Auditorium opens for seating at 7:00 PM.